Financial Assistance for using Global Standards (GS1) in BarcodingAssistance for Strengthening of Training Infrastructure of existing and new Entrepreneurship Development InstitutionsPURCHASE AND PRICE PREFERENCE POLICYNATIONAL AWARD SCHEME/ GUIDELINESLean Manufacturing Competitiveness Scheme for MSMEsDesign Clinic Scheme for design expertise to MSMEs Manufacturing sector (DESIGN)National Manufacturing Competitiveness Programme (NMCP)GUIDELINES FOR THE SCHEME TO RENDER FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TO STATES/STATE AGENCIES FOR SETTING UP MINI TOOL ROOM AND TRAINING CENTRESGrant for Industrial Estate ( GO No.44 )Micro Small and Medium Enterprises in the State by enhancing the quantum of Capital subsidy rate from 15% to 25% orders -issuedSSI units- Exemption from payment of EMD in respect of Tenders called for by Govt. DepartmentSCHEME FOR CAPACITY BUILDINGMICRO & SMALL ENTERPRISES - CLUSTER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME (MSE-CDP)Credit Link Capital Subsidy Scheme for Technology UpgradationCredit Guarantee Fund Scheme for MICRO AND SMALL ENTERPRISESISO 9000/ISO 14001 Certification Reimbursement SchemeOFFICE OF THE DEVELOPMENT COMMISSIONER (MSME) MARKETING ASSISTANCE DIVISIONParticipation in the International Exhibitions/ Fairs